Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Whole lot of catching up to do... Pictures 97-111

Day 111 - December 21, 2010 - Christmas time is here.... WOO HOO! The tree is looking pretty good... only 4 more things to wrap!

Day 110 - December 20, 2010 - Barley loves being in the car and when he gets to go on a ride in Momma's car he loves it more because he can sit like an adult. Next time I will make sure he buckles up! :)

Day 109 - December 19, 2010 - Stephanie was doing a breakfast/appreciation day for the teachers at Cooper West and I was helping her open a door as she was pulling 2 coolers into the lounge area. When we paused for a moment one of the coolers came off and ran all the way down Stephanie's leg.. here is the aftermath after 2 days!

December 108 - December 18, 2010 - Our Home Group adopted a family for Christmas and we were able to deliver gifts tonight. It was an honor to bless this family and it was a huge eye opener to David and I on how blessed we are and how lucky we are to have a healthy family. I was able to really experience the meaning of Christmas and the hope we have.

Day 107 - December 17, 2010 - Our Annual Christmas Dinner. David and I always have a nice meal just the two of us for our Christmas Dinner. This year we made Fillet with Blue Cheese and Onion Sauce, Potatoes Au Gratin, Honey Glazed Carrots & Baked Chocolate Fudge! It's always fun cooking together and being together.

Day 106 - December 16, 2010 - When I came back into town Martin, David & I went to breakfast the next morning... on the way out I saw my first ever African American Nativity Scene... Awesome!

Day 105- December 15, 2010 - Work Christmas Party. It was a great night meeting every ones spouses and talking and laughing about great stories! We had a great meal and conversations! I'm super blessed to have the job I have and work with the people I do. One of the big highlights of the night was this Good God Almighty Dessert!! I would have given up a child for another one of these!

Day 104 - December 14, 2010 - Christmas party with my girls! We had a great time making dinner, exchanging gifts and playing nerts! This little guy made the night! I love his cute feet!

Day 103 - December 13, 2010 - Leightyn wanted to make my day so she did this! :)

Day 102 - Wee Worship and their Christmas Program! Half of the Group!

Day 102 - December 12, 2010 - Wee Worship Christmas Program - It was very fun and interesting especially in the first service! I love little kids and microphones! Other half of the group!

Day 101 - December 11, 2010 - The Williams family went to a birthday party in Minnesota and Leightyn was defiantly the cutest person there... thanks to her favorite Aunt Brooke she was rockin the Santa outfit!

DAY 100 - December 10, 2010 - I DIDN'T TAKE A REAL PICTURE ON THIS DAY AND IT'S DAY 100... I have let myself and the world down... by the way these are David and I's stockings, next year I hope to get names on them... I was a slacker this year!

Day 99 - December 9, 2010 - Stephanie and Brad went to a church Home Group party and so I took the J Kids out to look at Christmas lights & to Baskin Robins. Here is Catherine's tongue after the sherbet!

Day 98 - December 8, 2010 - The other table of my Wee Worship friends. We celebrated Jesus's birthday with cupcakes, cookies & popcorn! WOO HOO!

Day 98 - December 8, 2010 - Our Wee Worship Christmas Party! I love my choir we had an awesome time celebrating Jesus's Birthday at his Birthday Party. I had to have 2 pictures to show you all my Wee Worship Friends!

Day 97 - December 7, 2010 - The Dead Camera - Here is my friend the camera that started the journey with me in September is now laid to rest on December 7, 2010... I hope you find rest and I hope the new friend we bought has a long life... I GOT TO MAKE THIS A YEAR... COME ON CAMERAS COME ON!

Day 97 - December 6, 2010 - After I went to the frame class at the church it has been my new hobby! Since the boys were working out (David and Vince), Teryn and I made frames. I have made 12 to date or 15... I can't remember! :)

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