Friday, October 1, 2010

Let's Pet A Pig... South Plains Fair 2010

When I was younger there was a tradition that I always looked forward to every September and that was the Tulsa Fair in Oklahoma. One day every year in my elementary and middle school years my dad would check me out of school and take me to Oklahoma with him to the fair. We would go to the horse shows and look at all the livestock. It was something I cherished because it was our thing! Now that I have moved to Lubbock, Dad and I were not able to go to the Tulsa fair but ever since 2008 my Sister and her family and I have started a new Fair Tradition and that is the South Plains fair in September. I always look forward to going with them and last night was extra special. Last night all the family, but little David, went to the fair. It was so meaningful for me because Catherine is an animal lover and so Dad would ask her if she wanted to see the livestock and of course she did. As they walked into the cow building, I tagged along with my camera. In some way as we were walking to see the cows as I looked up and saw Dad holding Catherine's hand and telling her about the cows and it bought me back to the day that I was like Catherine walking with my dad as he told me about the different kinds of cows and what made them a better show cow. I took pictures for Catherine to cherish in the future and hopefully remember her days at the fair with her Papa like I do.
Catherine and Papa next to the new baby calf.

Catherine and Papa at the petting zoo with our little sheep friend.

Caroline joined in on this picture but as you can tell Caroline is not the animal type... 5 seconds after this picture was taken she ran to the fence.

Carter with his baby chick

Catherine with the cutest little duck ever!

Cassidy with her black duck!

Me with the chick that I almost dropped on it's head... my poor future kids!

Steph with the same chick that I had... he looks like he feels safer

The baby goats!

Aww... I know what you are thinking, this pig is so precious and sweet I just want to take it home. NOT this pig bites people named Brooke.

Here is my arm after the monster pig bit me. I always wanted a baby pig... rethinking that decision!

Fashion Forward Rabbit

You thought you had a bad hair day!!

Steph and I are country girls.... we get close to cows... If this was a full length picture you would notice my wedges! :) Note to self Wedges and Cow Crap don't go well together!

Notice how happy Caroline is to stand 6 feet away from a cow.... PRICELESS

The Monkey Show at the fair was by far the best show EVER! Caroline asked a very important question in the car after the fair about the monkeys "Bottom" funny thing was it wasn't it's "Bottom" that she was asking about... you take that one Steph

The monkey eating 2 bananas! Super funny!

Corn Dogs.... yeap I think Catherine liked hers!

First bite... in honor of our Grandpa Copeland - he always liked to have a picture at every holiday of himself taking the first bit of his meal!

The Dog Races!

My girls!

The Wonderful Jurkovich Family

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