Wednesday, March 1, 2017

9 Months Old

You are 9 Months Old! 
You are such a HAM! 
You loved the Holidays and hanging out with all the families.
You loved Christmas and pulling out tissue paper out of bags.
You and your sister dressed up as twin a lot this month and you just adore her.
You were on the move like crazy - rolling like crazy - we were unable to stay in the Christmas Eve Service because you rolled everywhere. We went to the lobby and you rolled under chairs, and down hallways. You are super fast! 
You are never sitting still! 
You eat fruit and veggies and you love cereal in the morning with fruit.
You are such a sweet boy! 
You have always been a Momma's Boy but you are fond of Dad now too.

We love you so much little man! We can't wait to watch you continue to grow! 

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