Wednesday, March 1, 2017

10 Month Old Picture

10 Months Old! 

I'm not going to lie - December got away from me so his 9 Month picture was really only days before this picture... don't tell anyone! 

Owen you are the Man!
You started school at 10 months old! 
You starting crawling like crazy speeds and went from sitting to crawling and then back to sitting 
You had ice cream more than once, and whip cream and all the things we never let your sister have until she was 1.
You started eating yogurt for breakfast!
You are now choosing your Dad over me sometimes... I think it's because you are mad I put you in school, but deep down I know you still love me.
You adore your sister and love going to her room. You say what I think sounds like Sissy when we wake her up in the morning.
You say Hi! It's really cute! 

Little man you are the best - thanks for being ours! 

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