Monday, October 26, 2015

Pregnant with a Boy, compared to a Girl!

I'm 21 weeks now and I'm noticing some different things about being pregnant my second time than the first. 

1) Everything is flying by, when we were pregnant with AK we had time... now being pregnant with brother and having a 2 year old the weeks are getting away from us quickly.

2) I have been feeling great and not getting sick, same as with AK, but I do get light headed a lot more this time around.

3) I feel big... bigger.... just big! :)

4) With AK being the first I took pictures weekly, this time I have taken 3 to date.

5) I made blankets and crafts - nothing to date but plans to do so.

6) I had a closet full of clothes, baby boy has 6 outfits

I have had some similar cravings with this baby as I did with Anna Kate and some new ones. Here is what I like to eat these days:

Diet Coke - hated it for the first 14 weeks and only wanted ICE WATER - (same with AK)
Grape Fruit - This is new but I can't get enough! 
Sweet Tea 
Chocolate - Dove or Riesens 
Corn Flakes or Rice Krispies

Even though this pregnancy has been different and we have been busy; we cannot wait to meet our Sweet Little Buddy! You are so loved!!! 

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