One of my New Year's Resolution was to do something for someone that they couldn't do for themselves. In Lubbock there are a lot of people that stand on corners needing food. I thought that this could be our project for this year, provide food for them and with the food we could also provide the plan of salvation. I thought that my nieces and nephew would get a lot out of this so I thought that we would make an assembly lineand put the packets together and learn about service all at the same time. I went to Sam's on Saturday and bought cheese & peanut butter crackers, animal crackers, peanuts, water & pretzels. On Monday night I watched the kids and we made pictures on one side of an index card and then we wrote John 3:16 on other and placed a card in each bag of snacks.
Our goal is to help in a small way with people that need food, with the ultimate goal of showing them the love of Christ and that they can have an eternal life through Jesus.
Before we started our assembly line with the kids I told them the purpose of making the bags and asked if we could pray before we started. Caroline said she wanted to pray and this is what she said:
Dear God we pray that the people that get these bags will read our cards and learn more about you. We also pray that they all can find a new home soon.
If that doesn't shake you up, I don't know what will!
Love this! I think we are going to copy your idea!!! AWESOME!!!!! I agree with is a great project for ALL ages!!!!!